As a result of a bad economy, many people are having to rethink their spending habits. Some people are unemployed, living on a single income, have a sizable debt, or just want to save money. My simple money saving tips are easy enough for just about anyone to follow! Whether you choose to do one or all, you can save money following my strategies.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Money Saving Tip #11: Grocery Shop Alone
When I have to grocery shop with my 3 kids, my goal is usually to just get in and get out. I don't hunt for the best deals. When I shop alone, I get to spend my time more wisely by comparing prices and selecting what coupons to use to get the best deals. I use a calculator to see if the percentage off is really a good deal. I'll even use my calculator to keep a running tally of how much money I am spending. This tactic allows me to make better choices and won't leave me surprised when I hit the cash register.