As a result of a bad economy, many people are having to rethink their spending habits. Some people are unemployed, living on a single income, have a sizable debt, or just want to save money. My simple money saving tips are easy enough for just about anyone to follow! Whether you choose to do one or all, you can save money following my strategies.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Money Saving Tip #21: Cloth Napkins
Up until about a year ago, we used paper napkins at mealtimes. This is the same principle as not using paper towels. Rather than using disposable paper napkins, use cloth napkins instead. Cloth napkins can be expensive at some stores. I found a set of 10 napkins at Bed, Bath and Beyond. Each individual napkin cost $1.00. So, even though they cost me $20.00 for twenty, I know that I won't have to buy paper napkins again. We only have to wash them about once a week.