Having a closet, laundry room, storage shed, and/or basement completely cluttered can cost you unnecessary money. Here is the reason: If you are unorganized, you may not be able to easily find what you are looking for. If you need something and cannot find it, you are more likely to go out to the store to buy it.
For example: If I need a new light bulb for our end table lamp, I should be able to go to the laundry room, open the appropriate storage bin, and replace that bulb in less than 1 minute. Now imagine that you cannot remember where you put those light bulbs. You might make an unnecessary tip to the store (using fuel) to buy some more light bulbs (more wasted money).
Another reason to stay organized is to start stocking up on items that you use a coupon for. If you are able to buy shampoo on sale and with a coupon for less than $1.00, I suggest buying as many as you can. Use your organization to sort and organize these extra items.