Most everyone who has had a checking account for any length of time has probably bounced a check or two over the account's lifetime. And you know that with bouncing that check comes a very large fee for that bounced check. That fee can vary between $35-$50 per transaction. Imagine that you had 5 checks bounce. Your fees can range between $175-$250. Ouch!
Rather than subject yourself to these outrageous fees, ask your bank about an overdraft protection account. An overdraft protection account can link to your savings account in the event that you overdraw on funds in your checking account. Or, if you don't have a savings account, you can set up a line of credit to draw upon (usually about $1,000.00).
Some banks do not charge a fee to dip into these other accounts, and some banks do. If your bank charges, the fees will usually be minimal ($5.00 or so).