I spent thousands of dollars on disposable diapers for my first-born. She is now 8 years old. For my second child (now 3), I did my research and invested in a set of cloth diapers. Though I spent several hundred dollars up front, I now don't have to worry about buying them ever again. When I found out I was pregnant with my third child, I potty-trained my second child so I could use the diapers on my baby. There are so many variations of cloth diapers. I selected a diaper that would adjust with my growing baby. The diapers I have fit a newborn to a 35 lb. baby because they have adjustable snaps. Some of my favorites include Happy Heineys, Swaddlebees, and BumGenius. Look for the "one size pocket diapers" that adjust. A disposable diaper can take up to 500 years to decompose in a landfill. A cloth diaper will cost $17-$25 each depending on the brand and type. I suggest buying at least 25.