There is somewhat of an artform to using coupons. I didn't start really using coupons until about a year ago. I went to my local grocery store to buy one item that I had a coupon for. When I got to the cash register with my $0.50 off coupon, I was surprised when I saw that coupon had been doubled. Thus began my discovery into using coupons.
A few months ago, TLC released a show called, "Extreme Couponing." To say that this show is ridiculous is an understatement. You cannot feed a family of five a healthy diet based on 120 cans of coke, 60 toothbrushes, 87 small bags of Doritos, and 16 boxes of Froot Loops. What these grocery shoppers lack in their shopping carts is produce, dairy, and protein. Their diets come pre-packaged.
I use coupons every time I visit my grocery store. I use coupons to help give me discounts on items I probbly would have purchased anyway. My tips on using coupons are far more realistic and simple to follow.