As a result of a bad economy, many people are having to rethink their spending habits. Some people are unemployed, living on a single income, have a sizable debt, or just want to save money. My simple money saving tips are easy enough for just about anyone to follow! Whether you choose to do one or all, you can save money following my strategies.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Money Saving Tip #155: Don't Leave Clean Clothes in the Washer
When you are in the process of doing your laundry, don't forget and leave your freshly cleaned clothes or linens in the washing machine. If you leave your clean, wet items in the washer for several hours or a day, the items will become moldy, and you will have to rewash them. You know when they need to be re-washed when you open your washer, and the items smell bad. Re-washing them forces you to use more water, energy, laundry soap, and fabric softener.