You don't need to spend a fortune to get your hair cleaned. Most of us rely on store-bought shampoos and conditioners for our normal shower routine. These products insist that you use them daily for maximum benefit. You can scan the internet and find hundreds or thousands of recipes for homemade hygiene products. Most of the ingredients to make these products can be found in the pantry of your home.
Not having tried every homemade shampoo recipe, I cannot say anything bad about any of them. It comes down to your own personal preference, the amount you want to spend, the availability of the ingregients, your hair type, and your needs for yourself.
When I decided to try a homemade shampoo recipe, I searched for a recipe that had ingredients that I could find at my local grocery store. I didn't want to have to travel to a specialty store to buy the different components.
Here is the recipe I found (and liked) for an easy, homemade shampoo:
1 cucumber, cubed
1/2 cup distilled water
3 tsp lemon juice
2 tsp baking soda
Combine all ingredients into a blender. Mix until all components are combined to make a smooth mixture. Apply to wet hair massaging your scalp with your fingertips. Remember, it will not lather since there is no soap or detergent in the recipe. Apply at the beginning of your shower and rinse off at the end of your shower. Store the mixture in the refrigerator for up to one week.
If you use the olive oil recipe for your conditioner (Money Saving Tip #170), you will not need to do anything else to your hair on a daily basis. My hair is super shiny and clean. I feel no difference between the store-bought products and the cucumber recipe. Give it a try!