As a result of a bad economy, many people are having to rethink their spending habits. Some people are unemployed, living on a single income, have a sizable debt, or just want to save money. My simple money saving tips are easy enough for just about anyone to follow! Whether you choose to do one or all, you can save money following my strategies.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Money Saving Tip #195: Stop Tanning
Visiting the local tanning salon can cost you a lot of money and can be unhealthy. Like a gym club, many tanning salons want you to join some sort of membership. You don't need to sport a glowing, beach tan year round. Save the money. If you insist on having a darker shade, consider those tanning lotions made by Jergens, Aveeno, and many other brands. The benefit to these products is that you cannot get skin cancer from them, and the tan you receive is gradual. Many tanning lotions look completely natural without that organge look.